Wednesday, February 14, 2007

What's in a name?

Hey there Matt, World.

Boy Matt, this blog thing is a great idea. I have so many thoughts, concerns and emotions pent up and I feel relaying them in a forum like this can really impact people, provoke discussion and God willing progress. By the way, you should see the size of the dump I just took. It looks like the Hindenburg.

All serious thoughts aside, right now the blog begins and ends with it's name. I mean this isn't like naming a child where it is acceptable to choose from popular ones and even use your exact own. This is a blog. Our first-blog if you will. I mean with the right name, we could get our 1/2 hour spot on Tech TV!!

The Cub-Cardinal themes jump at you right from the start. But like an NBA fourth quarter comeback, it's cliche. Besides it could pigeonhole us into being a sport's site and attract the Werkmiester's of the world who could talk non-stop about the size of Pujol's thighs. Definitely keep the Chicago-St. Louis theme on the board. It has too much potential to ignore.

This blog could be seen in several circles as the reuniting of the Webster-wide famous duo who brought you such classics as "What it's all about" and "Huntin' Squirrel". They might even remember our first song with Ryan McCabe, "G's going to Namibia". Searching the lyrics to any of our songs could bring us a word or phrase that might best sum up this leap into the prepositional unknown.

Of course what would our relationship be and that of our group of friends be without fantasy baseball. And the easy transition from there to here is simple: "Chicks Dig Fantasy Bloggers" So we could be "Chicks Dig Real Bloggers". Whoops, here I am in a typing frenzy, not taking into consideration that you're married. Us advertising to Nicole that chicks dig us, might not go over so well: "Chicks Dig I Real Blogger and Dutifully Respect the Other"?

We could be the "Odd Bloggers"? You: married, kids, lefty (sometimes), home in the Burbs, Rams fan. Me: single, 0 kids, righty (always), apartment in the city, Bears fan.

Anyway you roll the dice, slice the pie or pick your nose, I'm excited Matt. It's about time our friends productiveness at work slowed down. GE shareholders beware.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

TLATL is clearly a reference to Tom LaBarge in Atlanta. Just wanted to get that off my chest. Thanks!