Showing posts with label Leonardo DiCaprio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leonardo DiCaprio. Show all posts

Friday, October 17, 2008

Long Live Marty (and Leonardo DiCaprio (and Russell Crowe))

Thanks for the motivation, Marty.

We have a high standard for content here at TLATL (or at least we think it's high), which sometimes leads us (or at least me) to post less frequently. I try to bring something to the table, and avoid writing posts about what I ate for breakfast.

But our audience (Marty, sometimes Austin) demands content, and who am I to withhold it. I had no idea that's how you spelled withhold. Totally thought it was one 'h'.

I saw the movie "Body Of Lies" this week. A Middle East terrorist-thriller, starring Russell Crowe and Leonardo DiCaprio. It was an entertaining movie. If you liked The Kingdom, you would like Body of Lies. I've seen better movies, but I thought it was certainly better than the 3 stars out of 5 I saw in the reviews.

Anyway, my point is that this is the 3rd movie in the last couple years that I've seen with DiCaprio (the other two being The Departed and Blood Diamond (via HBO)). When Titanic came out, for some reason I decided I didn't like Leonardo DiCaprio. Even though I thought he was great in What's Eating Gilbert Grape, The Basketball Diaries and Growing Pains. I just decided I didn't like him anymore. That was kind of stupid, because truth be known I've never even seen all of Titanic.

So I am here to say that Leonardo DiCaprio can act. He really can. I will look for his movies now, and like Russell Crowe, his name in the credits will make me think a movie is worth a look.

DiCaprio and Crowe, man those guys are dreamy. This one's for you Marty.