Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Quick Announcement

When we originally started the blog we configured a setting so that required a reader to be logged in to leave a comment. We figured this would keep us informed of who was commenting, while blocking spam bots that target high-traffic blogs. Also, it was the default setting and we didn't know this was an option that could be changed.

In an effort (read: desperate plea) to drum up more chatter, we've modified the setting so that you can leave "anonymous" comments if you please (read: if you don't have a google id). For those of you that choose to do so, it would be nice if you left your name or some kind of handle so that all of us (writers and commenters) could call you out for your stupidity or praise you for your genius.

Thanks to those of you who read this! Please feel free to drop suggestions on anything we can do better. Rye, we hear ya on the "women of telemundo". Coovo is on it like white on rice. Spanish rice, that is.

-Roller and Coovo


Ryan said...

You think just because you preemptively address my concerns that I won't leave another message? You think that just because I've left the last several messages, that I'd be self-conscious enough to not leave more?

Telemundo ahora!

P.S. I do like this blog! One of my favorite past times is to check it out every few days and read a post, trying to guess if Roller or Coovo wrote it. I'm all like, "This is definitely Coovo." Then I get to the end and am like "ROLLOR!?!?!?" Then other times I'm all like "This is definitely Rollier." Then I get to the end I"m all like "Coooooovo!!???!?" And sometimes I"m all like, "This is totally Johnny, acting like Rollor." Then I get to the end and I'm like, "Brian Cashman?!?!?!"

Nicole said...

Husband and Coov,
If you are trying to increase reader involvement, I think that you should continue to write your interesting and thoughtful post. But sprinkle some questions throughout that make us all feel compelled to respond.

For example, Who is hotter Russell Crowe or Russell Badgett? Eggs: Scrambled or Over Easy?

You get the picture. One question begets the next and so on and so on. These are the questions that require answering and only truly apathetic and heartless readers could pass them by without comment. Anonymity be damned.

Roller said...

Crowe or Badgett... hmmm... is this "Gladiator" Russell Crowe, or "The Insider" Russell Crowe?

Let's break it down.

L.A. Confidential Crowe vs. Badgett - Crowe
The Insider Crowe vs. Badgett - Badgett
Gladitor Crowe vs. Badgett - Gladator
A Beautiful Crowe vs. Badgett - Badgett
Cinderella Crowe vs. Badgett - Crowe
Meg Ryan Crowe vs. Badgett - Badgett
Wallace vs. Badgett - Crowe
Crowe vs. Wallace - Mel Gibson
Roller vs. Coovo - Badgett

As you can see, this is not an easy decision.